How to get the gold ticket in Apex Legends

apex legends is approaching at the end of its thirteenth season and, as usual, something strange is happening before the end of the season. Most likely it is a marketing strategy and a generator of exaggerations for the next season, the players have discovered a new element called Golden Ticket that gives access to a future event. Access to this event is blocked behind this ticket, which means that you will want to get one as soon as possible. Luckily, this guide will give you all the information you need. On how to get the golden ticket in apex legends .

Get the gold ticket in apex legends

Image Source: Respawn Entertainment through

To get the golden ticket, it must accumulate 125 manufacturing and manufacture materials of the ticket in one of the applicants during a match .

The process is easy to complete in minutes. An easy way to do it is to load a without filling trios, select octane and fall into an area with very little opposition but full of booties. Collect 125 craft materials, of which you earn 5 for opening a loot container and 25 per capsule of craft materials, and you will get 125 materials in a very short time.

After the acquisition of these materials, address your closest replicator and prepare the newest rotation article, the golden ticket. After creating the article, you can leave the game or see it until the end. A new playable mode will appear on the playback list, but is blocked until October 19. The date mentioned above would leave a little less than two weeks before the end of season 13, which means that it is very possible that a new preview for a map or character occurs. Early.

That is all you need to know about How to get the golden ticket in apex legends . It is currently a spooky season in apex legends, with Fight or Fright bringing four weeks of terrifying action of Battle Royale. Be sure to check the event ad or how to play the surprisingly fun Gun Run mode in apex legends before it stops rotating!

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