Star Citizen: Chris Roberts about player growth, squadron 42 and progress

If you look at the comments among our (or others) News about Star Citizen from recent years, it becomes clear that many players have long been sure that Cloud Imperium Games will never publish a finished, functioning game. The ambitions of Chris Roberts, who is also not slowed down by anyone, are too great - some say. Others even use terms such as vaporware or scam . Even some supporters have now written off their money because Star Citizen has nothing to do with the originally advertised game. The disappointment seems inevitable.

Faith is strong

But there is also the other side of the medal. Numerous SciFi fans who firmly believe that something unique, somewhat groundbreaking is created at CIG. The constantly increasing funding ticker serves as evidence year after year and is currently $ 463 million. More than 3.8 million Star Citizens have raised the sum.

And the figures that Chris Roberts puts out in the newly published letter to the community also read remarkably. With the last updates and events, numerous new players could be lured into the Star Citizen Universe. So many new players that their own expectations have literally powdered. Specifically, Roberts speaks of a doubling of the rate of new customers this year. Since Alpha 3.16, 2,000 new players have flocked to the servers every day.

Chris Roberts on Star Citizen’s Progress, Expansion & CitizenCon 2022 The number of daily active players has increased by 50 percent since the last letter from Roberts (December 2020). Since then, 1 million new accounts have been created, more than half a million new players support the project financially. And this week player number 2 million logged into Star Citizen. By the end of the year, you want to come to 4 million accounts, 1 million unique logins and a crowdfunding pot with $ 500 million.

Star Citizen and Squadron 42

Roberts' letter was not only about number gimmicks, but also about the progress that could be achieved at Star Citizen last year. The space MMO is now a completely different, much more extensive and more immersive game than he had planned ten years ago. "The game that we build today is a game that includes a lot: it is a dogfighting spacesim, it is a first-person shooter, it is a commercial game, a resource collection game, a resource management game, an adventure game, a survival and a social Game. Star Citizen is a space simulation. ""

According to Roberts, the last updates could make great progress in various areas. For example, the content of the star system could be finalized in terms of content, technical milestones such as the persistent entity streaming (PES) could be implemented internally (this gives all objects in the universe actual persistence; important for the Alpha 4.0 and the so -called "server meshing" that you need to To be able to process the many star systems and the targeted number of players) or also incorporate many detailed improvements, such as ship-to-ship refueling.

Squadron 42, on the other hand, was only mentioned in one sentence by Roberts. The chief developer has spent a lot of time in the UK studio in Manchester since autumn, where focused on Star Citizen's single player release. There, the focus is currently on finalizing the content and ensuring the necessary finishing touches. That sounds like an upcoming beta phase, right? Roberts obviously still does not want to give an appointment. It is only clear that several sequels for Squadron 42 are already planned **.

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