It s almost silly, how much better wow with patch 9.1.5 is

Wow-Demon Worthy has given patch 9.1.5 a chance — and makes astonishing a lot of fun. But a fader stays taste.

Patch 9.1.5 by World of Warcraft has now been live for a good 10 days. Actually, I thought in advance that the patch will not be very interested in me. After all, I already know the content enough, Parthia has often flushed enough and Toughest hangs out to my throat.

Nevertheless, I have logged in WOW again with patch 9.1.5 — and that much more often than in the days and weeks before. In the last 10 days I was really fun to level new characters, gather fame with them and simply experience a new class.

How many glory levels are quasi in passing, that works in comparison at the time before patch 9.1.5 already almost silly. The visit to Toughest gave me 4 glory levels (and just under half a level of XP), every little bonus mission in the shadow lands gives fame and in the end you get through the appeal quests also the rest.

Freshly arrived at level 60, my fame was already ranked 70. The last 10 points were then during the introductory quest in the pact sanctum and two to three rounds PVP.

Within a fraction of the time, the character was ready to tackle mythical + or to look for a group for the current RAID. This also succeeded because I can simply put excess tap directions on my main character in twink to give it a more than solid starting equipment on ITem level 207 to 210. Thus, the gates are already open to almost all types of content already.

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Patch 9.1.5 GUIDE: All You Need To Know I want to be quite honest. For me, it was not a problem that you could not change pacts so easy. I liked the permanence of the decision and the fact that in some situations just had to make the most of it, even if that meant not to have the right buff in a dungeon.

But I do not bother me that it is different now. Especially from the point of view of my Tran smog collection, the feature is a blessing. Collecting everything and use everything is pretty cool. If my add-on All the Things tell me at the parcel change that every time over 40 templates have been unlocked, then this is satisfied.

Everything goes so fast — what did you do before?

But it is also clear: the fade of taste, that all this is so fast and easy, it stays. If you are back inherent, how much time a character took claim to gain glory 40, 50 or even 80 a few weeks ago, then you feel main. There is a lifetime as wasted — at least when the whole grind was done shortly before the patch.

I do not believe that Patch 9.1.5 was the great salvation charm, which will pull Shadow lands out of the dirt and ensures that it suddenly is one of the best extensions of all time. But the feeling that patch 9.1.5 was at least a clear stop for the downward trend of recent months, I already have.

It s suddenly fun again to level twinks and deal with them. That the glory levels only so about the screen are class. That bonus areas go quickly and no longer are an endless grind, feels good. The fact that Toughest actually brings something during the level phase, which can then be invested in meaningful items on level 60, is great.

I was pretty skeptical at the beginning, whether patch 9.1.5 really might bring motivation to log in again and play content that I actually know. At least for me, the Blizzard, however, succeeded — and the info that patch 9.2 on the PTR is not quite as far away, as feared, makes me mild confident.

Patch 9.1.5 did not rescue Shadow lands. But it is a huge improvement to the condition that prevailed a few weeks ago. Now Blizzard has to finally wear these teachings in the future and do not forget everything with patch 10.0 once again, which was so painful in recent months.

What is your opinion on patch 9.1.5? A clear improvement in the current game? Or is it much worse with it?


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